HCDX Online Log Future Plans ---------------------------- Future plans: Release Under GPLv3 Incorporate the new signup page. Add '+' display feature. Requested by Finnish DXers. Add highlight feature. Search form to include '+' and highlighting option. cleaning up the code, signup order to prefer Finland group -- we are here Apply the GPL'd version to log.hard-core-dx.com Add import_log.pl into the mix Future requests (no milestone set yet): - "change password" link - user preference edit - email notifications of add/change/edit (to "log cop", admin & logger) - "log cops": access to edit others' loggings - reception quality as optional (SINPO, etc) - User profiles: saved advances searches -> email results in intervals - Add field to choose fq as MHz or kHz (in db all saved as kHz) - add multipage support for more than X logs at a time - Email updates to mailing list, DXClusive & Radiomaailma - User profile: location, receiver, antenna - GUI enhancements - User preferences: colors, choose sort fields (novice/advanced) - Automatic categorization - Output templates - Input templates - Sorting orders: ASC always on the first time - more languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian - Scrolling screen with latest logging real time - email interface: input logs through email, log output through email - Add QSL information - Links to station info (WRDB extension) - Distributed databases, database synchronization